A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Friday, April 18, 2003

So here is the best way I could think of to let folks know a little bit about me, the basics. I'm sure that most of you are well aware of the game 20 Questions, and if you aren't you should be! I took the challenge for myself. Let the questions begin.

20 Questions

1) Full Name: Ebony Rachelle Rose
2) Education: Bachelor of Arts, Communications
3) Favorite Color: Pink
4) Favorite Food: Pineapples, Strawberries and Mexican Food
5) Boxers or Briefs: Boxer-briefs, you know, the tight ones
6) Favorite Actress/Actor: Barbra Streisand / Denzel Washington
7) Favorite Singer: Barbra Streisand
8) Favorite Movie: Tie—Funny Girl, The Way We Were
9) Most Embarrassing Moment: I didn’t have one of these until recently…well worth the wait: My best friend sent me an e-mail. I was having a horrible day and found it as the perfect opportunity to vent about all of the things that had me down. Well, needless to say I vented alright and then proceeded to e-mail the note back to her…so I thought. In my anger I hadn’t realized that she had forwarded me a note and I had responded back to all twenty people. A couple responded and tried to console me about my crappy day, but I missed most of them as I was curled up in a ball under my desk!
10) Favorite Place Visited: Tie—Rome, Italy and Edinburgh, Scotland
11) Favorite Smell: Vanilla
12) Favorite Flower: Pink Roses
13) Hobbies: Cooking, travel, all mass media consumption
14) Favorite Day of the Week: Sundays
15) Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Amy’s Mexican Vanilla
16) Favorite Animal: Lions
17) Favorite Drink: Vodka Tonic
18) Letterman or Leno: Letterman
19) Favorite TV Show: The Cosby Show, Will & Grace, ER
20) Best Part About 20 Questions: Finishing!


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