A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Friday, July 25, 2003

Moving: Phase 1

In my imminent quest to leave the lovely weather and never-ending strings of strip malls of Texas behind, I am officially packing up the Austin palace to head back to the land of antique stores and flashing stop lights of Georgetown. Mixed feelings for sure. I have loved living in Austin for the last year. It was so great to be so close to all of my friends and the great things that Austin has to offer. And though I am certain that I could be rich now if I had stayed with the mom for the last year, I wouldn't trade the money for the memories. I'm looking forward to going home, or looking forward to the fact that is only three weeks, I'm not sure. The point is, it will be nice to be so close to my family for a while as I am certain that it wiil take three weeks to get my fill of family and only three minutes to miss them.

It's an official packing party tonight and loading lunch tomorrow...all are invited!


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