A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

As we all (should) know, Chicago is coming out on DVD in a couple of weeks and I'm really excited. The one question that I have always wondered about in this movie is the lady who says all of that stuff in some unknown language during the Cell Block Tango. Well, thanks to those folks at IMDB, I now know what she is saying.

For everyone else who ever wondered, here it is:
"What am I doing here? They say my famous tenant held down my husband and I chopped his head off. But it's not true. I am innocent. I don't know why Uncle Sam says I did it. I tried to explain at the police station but they didn't understand."

And just for kicks, here it is in Hungarian:
"Mit keresek én itt? Azt mondják, a híres lakóm lefogta a férjem, én meg lecsaptam a fejét. De nem igaz. Én ártatlan vagyok. Nem tudom, miért mondja Uncle Sam, hogy én tettem. Próbáltam a rendõrségen megmagyarázni, de nem értették meg."


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