A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Wednesday, August 27, 2003

Hi kids! Well, I'm back with another installment of No Sex and the City. I spent yet another day exploring but this time I saw actual stuff. I even took pictures like a real tourist. I walked from 14th to about 35th taking in shops on Broadway, Park Avenue, and 5th Avenue. I scoped out the Empire State building, from the ground floor, as I am saving the real trip up to the top for when Babs visits so that here dream doesn't come true. I finally located the Flatiron building after walking in circles and even managed to scour the first floor of Macy's. for nourishment, I had a fantastic sandwich from this place...a lovely grilled chicken sandwich with fresh basil leaves and real mozzeralla, a tasty vinagrette and delicious bread. Ally, you would love it! I also foundout that they offer smores, complete with an open flame at your table..I can hardly wait until it is cold enough to try. I even stopped by the great farmers market at Union square and stocked up on fresh fruit and flowers. Now, if I could just find a store that sells the cute little oriental slippers that I see everyon wearing I will be very happy!


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