A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Monday, November 29, 2004

The high points from a long weekend of turkey love:
  • The roomie's parents and my mom hit it off like the cool kids on the first day of school (and our outdoor ashtray has the reminents to prove it!)
  • My first solo Thanksgiving meal was a total success and the Orange Glazed Turkey was the star of the show
  • If you were questioning their staying power, rest assured that the Rockettes are still the coolest high kickers around, and as I have always suspected, Mrs. Claus is a pretty saucy broad
  • Brooke Shields is officially the tallest woman on Broadway (so much so that her lover boy dips her on stage to kiss her, not because of overwhelming passion, but because of necessity)
  • Sharing cocktails with your best friend is still the best thing going
  • If I ever learn to play Spades decently, I would have tournaments all of the time
  • Assembly line mojito making produces a lovely cocktail
  • You can meet some pretty interesting people standing inside of the green box waiting for Wicked tickets
  • Watching your mom pull away in a cab at four in the morning is only made easier by knowing that in three short weeks you'll be seeing her driving towards you for more holiday fun


  • At 5:01 PM, Blogger Barbara said…

    You saw Wicked without me?!?!?! Boo! Hiss! Gasp! Just kidding. I want to hear all about it when you get home! (and maybe you can act some of it out for me too) ;)


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