A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Friday, December 10, 2004

I finished one of my final papers today...I already did my happy dance, you missed it. I still have one more to go. Then it's off to holiday hoorahing with family and friends. I've been preparing for all of the Christmas love by listening to my rather substantial collection of holiday music and singing out loud while dancing around the apartment. Since I am at work all day though, I can't very well dance around, so I listen to the Holiday channel on Yahoo and sing quietly to myself instead. Today they played one of my favorite songs, which no one else in the office had ever even heard of. It's called I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas...and I love it. It makes me want to hop up and down and wish for frivolous, outrageous Christmas gifts from all of my friends. It's right up there with Dominick the Italian Christams Donkey and The Chipmunk Christmas song. Maybe if you're nice, Ill sing them for you...


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