Sexy Politics: A Newsworthy Concept?
I don't know what is worse about this article. The fact that it even needs to be written or the way in which it reads more like a piece of romantic fiction than a legitimate piece of political response. I mean, I don't even like the woman (generally not a fan of Black Republicans, a little bit of an oxymoron if you ask me, although Colin Powell is rather dashing in an if-I-wasn't-a-Republican-I'd-be-a-great-grandfather kind of way) but I digress. The point is, the woman, whether we like her or not, holds one of the most commanding offices in our political system and instead of talking about the issues, this article talks about her clothes, saying junk like "Rice's coat and boots speak of sex and power" and " the coat blew open in a rather swashbuckling way to reveal the top of a pair of knee-high boots," the author even goes so far as to compare Condi's outfit to that of Keanu Reeve's in The Matrix! WHAT?! Are you serious?! This is news?! I am appalled--mouth open, eyes big-as-saucers appalled--that The Washington Post has room in it's line-up to talk about how saucy our Secretary of State's wardrobe is when real news is out there waiting to be written but is left ignored because it isn't wrapped in a commanding cape. Politics as usual I guess, disregard the important stuff and remind us why half of Americans don't even bother to vote. I mean, heaven forbid we shoudl wear the wrong thing to the polls.
I don't know what is worse about this article. The fact that it even needs to be written or the way in which it reads more like a piece of romantic fiction than a legitimate piece of political response. I mean, I don't even like the woman (generally not a fan of Black Republicans, a little bit of an oxymoron if you ask me, although Colin Powell is rather dashing in an if-I-wasn't-a-Republican-I'd-be-a-great-grandfather kind of way) but I digress. The point is, the woman, whether we like her or not, holds one of the most commanding offices in our political system and instead of talking about the issues, this article talks about her clothes, saying junk like "Rice's coat and boots speak of sex and power" and " the coat blew open in a rather swashbuckling way to reveal the top of a pair of knee-high boots," the author even goes so far as to compare Condi's outfit to that of Keanu Reeve's in The Matrix! WHAT?! Are you serious?! This is news?! I am appalled--mouth open, eyes big-as-saucers appalled--that The Washington Post has room in it's line-up to talk about how saucy our Secretary of State's wardrobe is when real news is out there waiting to be written but is left ignored because it isn't wrapped in a commanding cape. Politics as usual I guess, disregard the important stuff and remind us why half of Americans don't even bother to vote. I mean, heaven forbid we shoudl wear the wrong thing to the polls.
At 4:43 PM, Anonymous said…
Right on, totally ridiculous. But fuck Condi anyways. She's just another tool of the white capitalistic partiarchy. I'm blacker than she is for God's sake!
At 4:44 PM, Anonymous said…
oops...forgot to tell you it was me cursing up your comments section.
At 5:53 PM, Rachel said…
RIGHT ON! Can you even believe that was the FIRST FREAKIN' STORY on the Washington Post today?! I mean,'s almost as much fun as the run down of the Bush twins' social life. Note I said, ALMOST.
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