A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Lifetime Ago...
This weekend brought with it a long overdue visit with my friend Ginger who I hadn't seen since last Christmas. I couldn't believe how long it had been when I finally realized that ringing in the New Year was the last time we had shared a face-to-face conversation. It was so good to visit with her, she is the most kind-hearted person I know and it's so comforting to have her around.

During a car ride into Austin we were reminiscing about the year we spent living together right after college, before we both decided to make big changes in our lives, both of which involved major moves and major life adjustments. As we talked we both agreed that it feels like it was another lifetime. We were young and all of our friends lived just blocks away. We were all trying to be grown ups so we drank a lot more wine and martinis than beer at our regular happy hours. We were all single and looking--but not too hard. We worked during the day and played a lot at night. We shopped and watched movies and made dinner and jumped on trampolines in the backyard. We wondered how all of our lives would play out but realized it was futile to put too much pressure on the future when the present was challenging enough.

And now, as we all push decidedly past our mid-twenties, I am amazed at just how different our lives are. There are new relationships to contend with, men we laughingly remember and those who have made a permanent place in our lives. Friendships which have changed or broken off completely. And then relationships like ours, that feel comfortable no matter how much time has passed between hugs. I can still remember the smell of her coffee brewing in the mornings while she got ready for work and it is because of her I learned that substituting ground turkey for ground beef in a recipe didn't really hurt the dish.

I think I finally realized this weekend, for the first time maybe, that things will never be like they were. We'll never be sharing lat night stories in our pajamas before climbing into our beds in rooms across the hall. We'll never have the late night girl sessions about the potential guys we'll meet because the potential guys have been replaced by the real ones who love us remind us that comfort is better than variety. It makes me a little weepy inside, as the realization of adulthood often does. But then I feel lucky to even have those memories stored away in the photo boxes of my mind to pull out when things get a little cloudy.

A lot can happen in a lifetime...and there's so much more to go.


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