A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

No news is good news, right?
That's just the thing, I have no news. No prolific thoughts or contemplations on life. No amazing, life-altering experiences to speak of. No fights or loves or even mellodramatic happenings to report. We all watch the news and know that vice presidents now hunt for lawyers instead of birds. The olymipcs are on which makes me cold from all the snow. Then Apolo steps on the ice and I'm suddenly all warm again. And curling is still boring. Like most people, American Idol makes my ears bleed and yet I still watch. Despite the the insane influx of projects at work that threaten to weigh down my spring, I'm still finding time to cook good food and drink good wine and spend time with the people that matter. I have a few visitors coming in the spring which makes me joyful beyond belief. All of my bills are paid and there's still enough cash left for shopping trips with minimal guilt. And I'm going to start going to the gym...soon...maybe. That news will be the good news, and that's the news I will be sure to share.


  • At 6:04 PM, Blogger danielle said…

    that wasn't no news...that was news that your life is steadily going at a good pace for you. that post made me feel like you were really happy with where your life is right now...and like i said, that's not no news, that great news!


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