A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Scent of Nostalgia
There is something about the smell of pencil shavings that makes me yearn for elementary school.

I was walking through Target today when the smell of the school supplies literally stopped me in my tracks. There is no other smell in the world like the smell of a box of Crayons. It is that distinct. My niece started pre-kindergarten this week and just watching how excited she was about everything-lunch time and nap time and puzzles and names on desks-brought me the greatest feeling. I remember the excitement I always had for my first day of school. Packing my backpack the week before just to make sure I didn't foregt anything. Laying out the perfect outfit the night before becase how I looked on day one was of the utmost importance. My mom always made us a big breakfast that first day. It all feels like ages ago.

Tomorrow starts my first day of school at work. All of the first year students move in and the next week is a crazy busy schedule as my office handles all of the first year orientation week programming. I'm looking forward to it. I'm already fielding phone calls from excited kids and nervous parents. Our office has been getting ready all week-finalizing contracts, painting signs, making nametags and welcome packets. Even at this age there is still so much excitement for the students going back to school.

Knowing that I've chosen this profession and that for many years to come I'll get to have this experience each year is exciting. The feeling really is very nostalgic.


  • At 3:47 PM, Blogger danielle said…

    i'm right there with you. granted, my office doesn't deal directly with the return of students, it was nice to walk around campus today and feel the buzz in the air as early arrivals showed up. enjoy next week :) don't forget to breathe!


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