A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Apparently the heat makes me sleepy
I am certain that the ninety-five degree weather warming my office to just above sauna level temperatures is not how I would imagine October to feel. If given the opportunityto vote on weather related questions such as

Do you prefer your autumn to be be:
a) balmy
b) all firey colored trees and apple orchards
c) still too hot for the new sundress you bought in June but decided it was too hot to wear even then
d) rainy

My obvious answer would be "B" with a dash of "E"-full of days lazily spent on a blanket in the park. (I added that one in just for giggles.) However, so far my October feels an awful like my September did-- very warm and very busy. Last night I actually managed to make it out of the office before the sun sank which was a real treat. I celebrated by going to bed at ten thirty. I am a wild party animal. I am also sixty-five.


  • At 6:59 AM, Blogger Corrie said…

    There's NO shame in being an early-to-bed girl...even if you aren't 65! I have to go to bed early because of that little annoying alarm that goes off at 5:15 every morning! :)

  • At 12:40 PM, Blogger Rachel said…

    I would also choose "B". We aren't there yet, but there are hints of red in the trees - and I am SO ready.


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