Dear Internet,
It's been quite a while since we last spoke. I know, I know, I never call anymore or send witty IMs to just let you know that I am thinking of you. It's just, a lot's been going on lately, some things have happened, but that's no excuse, I've just been a bad friend. I mean, there's no need to worry, I haven't run off and grabbed myself a marriage and a mortgage or anything. I've just been busy, doing the day-to-day stuff that often keeps friends apart. And I know that the type of friends that we are, I should be more forthcoming with things, even the little things, just to keep you from feeling as though my love is with another. Fear not internet, I don't have a new Mac-ier version of you on the side by any means, there are just a few more things ticking away at the moments of my life these days. (And obviously I've used those moments to find a definite flare for the dramatic!) Then again, you've always known those tendencies have existed inside of me haven't you internet?
So dear friend, I offer you a few tidbits of what I have been up to because I know, even though you will probably throw a fit and give me an error message at some point in our coyish game of catch-up, you really do want to know how I've been.
The niece's birthday came and my mom and I prepared the perfect five year old girlish delight.
But seeing as it was so close to Halloween at the time of the birthday party, and Barbie's legs were just too damn long, we also made a second cake. Just to keep things interesting.
There are more pictures I could share with you internet, but making you sit through a slide show of the last few weeks seems cruel. Almost as cruel as that time a friend's mom made me do exactly that whilst a raging flood enveloped the city. If put in that situation again I'd swim for it. But I digress. I won't share the pictures of the wedding I went to for a friend I have known since before you, the life blood of connection, was even a glimmer in Al Gore's eye. I'll keep the pictures of the ladies night karaoke to myself because even though it sounds like a good idea at the time, snapping people's pictures while they are belting out an emotional rendition of "Papa Don't Preach" doesn't make for a great action shot. And I won't bother you with stories of homecoming, the catching up with old friends and the (over)drinking of the free booze, we'll just say I was happy it came and next year will be just as pleasent.
You see internet, life really is trucking along. The holidays are approaching and there are so many things to be done in the coming weeks. Parties to attend and to plan, emotional stresses to be worked out, job duties to be handled and friends to be seen. I'll do my best to stay in touch and and keep you posted with the happenings my existence. I make no promises, but as always, I'll try.
Thanks for listening,
A Rose In Bloom
It's been quite a while since we last spoke. I know, I know, I never call anymore or send witty IMs to just let you know that I am thinking of you. It's just, a lot's been going on lately, some things have happened, but that's no excuse, I've just been a bad friend. I mean, there's no need to worry, I haven't run off and grabbed myself a marriage and a mortgage or anything. I've just been busy, doing the day-to-day stuff that often keeps friends apart. And I know that the type of friends that we are, I should be more forthcoming with things, even the little things, just to keep you from feeling as though my love is with another. Fear not internet, I don't have a new Mac-ier version of you on the side by any means, there are just a few more things ticking away at the moments of my life these days. (And obviously I've used those moments to find a definite flare for the dramatic!) Then again, you've always known those tendencies have existed inside of me haven't you internet?
So dear friend, I offer you a few tidbits of what I have been up to because I know, even though you will probably throw a fit and give me an error message at some point in our coyish game of catch-up, you really do want to know how I've been.
The niece's birthday came and my mom and I prepared the perfect five year old girlish delight.
But seeing as it was so close to Halloween at the time of the birthday party, and Barbie's legs were just too damn long, we also made a second cake. Just to keep things interesting.
There are more pictures I could share with you internet, but making you sit through a slide show of the last few weeks seems cruel. Almost as cruel as that time a friend's mom made me do exactly that whilst a raging flood enveloped the city. If put in that situation again I'd swim for it. But I digress. I won't share the pictures of the wedding I went to for a friend I have known since before you, the life blood of connection, was even a glimmer in Al Gore's eye. I'll keep the pictures of the ladies night karaoke to myself because even though it sounds like a good idea at the time, snapping people's pictures while they are belting out an emotional rendition of "Papa Don't Preach" doesn't make for a great action shot. And I won't bother you with stories of homecoming, the catching up with old friends and the (over)drinking of the free booze, we'll just say I was happy it came and next year will be just as pleasent.
You see internet, life really is trucking along. The holidays are approaching and there are so many things to be done in the coming weeks. Parties to attend and to plan, emotional stresses to be worked out, job duties to be handled and friends to be seen. I'll do my best to stay in touch and and keep you posted with the happenings my existence. I make no promises, but as always, I'll try.
Thanks for listening,
A Rose In Bloom
At 1:56 PM, Stephanie said…
I like reading your blog. You might not go for quanitity like me posting every single thing that I even think about, but you definitely go for quality and I like that in a girl :o)
At 9:59 AM, Rachel said…
I really, really like the Barbie leg cake. A lot.
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