A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sometime around Cinco de Mayo I developed a cold. I wasn't sure who the germ inducer was, could have been a co-worker or one of the bridesmaids or my niece who somehow manages to carry every five-year old kid germ home with her from school. Either way, I was sick. It started as a tickle in the throat and moved into some snot in the nose and then a cough and then back to the soar throat. It subsided, sort of , a few days later. But then it flared up again a day or two later and it's been here ever since. I have taken every over the counter cold medicine available and a few herbal remedies to fight it. Last night the pain in my throat got so severe my ears started hurting and then my head and then I started crying. Yes, I'm a big baby. When I woke up this morning I called my doctor to make an appointment and then called my boss to let her know I'd be in when I felt better.

Fast forward twenty minutes in a waiting room and eight minutes in the doctor's office and I now know I am officially allergic. So allergic in fact that I needed three, yes THREE, separate prescriptions to help get me back in perfect health. We know not what I am allergic to exactly, that would require lots of poking and prodding and we know how I feel about needles. Suffice it to say that because I let the "cold"go so long I have managed to cough my throat into a big, swollen, red mess. I came home from the pharmacy with some little pellet sized, gelatinous pills that can NOT be chewed because they are full of numbing medication and I wouldn't be able to feel my mouth if I did that (but it totally makes me want to just once) which are to be taken for my cough. I also have some Allegra, another pill for general allergy fighting, and some Nasanex, for spraying in the nostrils.

I'm hoping all of this stuff makes me feel better. I have big plans for Memorial Day weekend and I'll be damned if some allergies are going to keep me from them. And also, I'm just glad it wasn't strep throat or something that required antibiotics because those would have made drinking a beer at the football game and baseball game a big no-no.


  • At 11:43 AM, Blogger Corrie said…

    I am the allergy QUEEN! I heart Allegra and Nasonex! This is DORKY, but when I go out in the yard in the evening OR I vacuum in the house I wear a dust mask. I may look crazy, but it does help those allergens not get into my system!
    Hope you are feeling better soon!


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