A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Lost and Found, Sort of
I am good people. I pay my taxes. I volunteer my time and donate my money to various charities. I say please and thank you and excuse me. I remember birthdays and special occasions. I do not kick kitties or puppies or people. I am good people.

So explain to me, universe, why it is that I have to always be the one who gets shat upon in the grand scheme of life? Oh the list is long and filled with vagrant attacks against my good nature the latest of which is forcing me to look for the silver lining lest I become one of those people whose sour demeanor begins to destroy any chance once held for a life of happiness.

My wallet was stolen.

Yeah, that makes it the second personal item of mine to be stolen while at work. This job, it is costing me way more than any other has. Luckily (see the silver lining poking through?) I discovered it very soon after it happened and was able to cancel all of my credit cards before the thieves got too out of hand. Only one charge at the gas station up the street before I nixed their fun shopping spree ideas. And even luckier (more lining, slightly more polished) the quick response I had was proof that my thieves apparently have a conscience because after they realized that the fun they had hoped to have wasn't going to happen, they returned my wallet. Well, they left it, and all of it's contents, minus two dollar bills, a dollar in quarters and my Starbucks gift card, on top of the tampon dispenser in one of the women's bathrooms where a coworker found it and called me to come and get it.

So, moral of the story? I do not have to get a new license or a new wallet. I do not have access to any plastic for 7-10 business days. And I no longer trust anyone. Not even the nice people in my community. And also, I might just be done being nice because karma, she obviously isn't keeping score anyway.


  • At 6:36 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    oh that stinks. The school should have video cameras in buildings so they can narrow down who these sucky thieves are! They'll get lots of bad karma for that one!

  • At 11:49 AM, Blogger danielle said…

    how horrible! that happens a lot on our campus too. i thought it was b/c we lived in a crime-ridden area, but maybe not. i hope it wasn't a student...


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