A Rose In Bloom

Better than I could be. Not as good as I’d planned.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Yeah, I got "tagged" too. Here are seven random facts.

1. I never liked peanut butter and jelly sandwiches growing up. But lately I can't seem to get enough of them. I blame it entirely on the invention of this product.

2. I have had three surgeries in my life. Two for the same issue.

3. I tend to get really thirsty at night so I always sleep with a glass of water by my bed.

4. My right foot is slightly bigger than my left.

5. One of my favorite books as a young reader was The Mouse and the Motorcycle. To this day, if I come across that book in a stack I will stop and skim through it.

6. I read cookbooks as if they are novels.

7. I can fall asleep just about anywhere, at any time. It is both a blessing and a curse.


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