Operation selfish spending was a complete success! And I feel absolutely zero guilt about spending a large sum of money on myself...I deserve it damnit! And so do you, so go out and get yourself something pretty!
In other news, I am greatly dissapointed in each and everyone one of you, but mostly Rachel because she usually catches all of this kind of stuff. So I just realized that I have been misspelling a word on my blog for ages and no one has bothered to point it out to me! In my way-too-wired computer mind I have been using the word 'site' as in website instead of the word 'sight' as in I see you, on all of my entries everytime I talk about a celebrity 'sighting'. The funny thing is, each time I wrote it, in my head I was thinking, "man, that looks weird!" but I never got it until this very moment as I was preparing to share another story. Now listen, for those of you who caught it and never shared, shame on you! And if you never shared because you chose to make jokes and got secret pleasure each time I wrote it and snickered slyly under your breath at your desk with every passing entry, then double shame on you (with a wink tossed in because I think I would have done the same thing!)
So, with my new-found knowledge I proudly present to you a new...
**Star Sighting**
Ann Curry
(news anchor for
The Today Show...paying for her food next to me at the
Au Bon Pain on Union Square)